Sunday, January 25, 2009

Battle Royale

The future of Japan is here (not really, I hope), and it is known as The Republic of Greater East Asia. The nation has collapsed, and a record-breaking 15% of the population are unemployed. 800,000 students rebelled and boycotted school, becoming something to be feared by their seniors. Soon, the Millenium Educational Reform Act was passed. AKA: The BR Act.

The movie starts out with a bang. A bloody Ai Iwamura looking slightly traumatized by what she has just done. Then off to one year later, when the next Battle Royale begins.

The idea of pitting classmates against each other in an attempt to lower teenage population so only the strong survive is something of which Johnathan Swift would be proud. And forcing them to participate until they died or won by way of an explosive collar around their necks is a nice touch. I want the impossible-to-find box set that comes with a replica of the collar.

The way you can be someone's best friend one minute, and poisoning them the next... it definitely plays with the psyche. As well does telling the person who just killed you that you forgive them because you've always loved them. I never would have thought of this kind of stuff. Every death was great. Every kill... well, I wasn't a huge fan of Kazuo's tactic of shoot first and ask questions later (he was a little too trigger happy, if you ask me).

The ending was as expected. The good guys win, sort of. I didn't expect the way of it, though, which was what I'd hoped. I hate movies that are too predictable.

For senseless murder, 9/10. Creativity, 10/10. Romance, 2/10. Action, 100/10.